Reinventing the Future with Cutting-edge AI Advancements
Reinventing the Future with Cutting-edge AI Advancements
Reinventing the Future with Cutting-edge AI Advancements
Reinventing the Future with Cutting-edge AI Advancements
At, we envision you to develop a world where data is used to solve the most pressing challenges facing humanity.
We love for you to become expert in a range of data areas like AI, GenAI, AGI, ML and the data mesh strategy, architecture and platforms behind.
We want to share knowledge that is not only at the forefront of the data development, but evidence based, understandable and relevant.
LET'S GET SERIOUS ABOUT THE FUTURE ROLE OF AI. A rather modest group of us digitalists have been working with AI and ML for years, some of us even as scientific “experts” or practical “fanatics”. Since the outbreak of generative AI in general, and the launch of the most recent GPT in particular, a lot of earlier unheard of people and companies have started to talk of themselves as “experts” and nearly everyone are becoming “fanatics”. In an effort to take the debate one step further we will in a series articles not only look into the true future of AI, but its most probable role in conjunction with mankind. In this article the first of two different perspectives are examined, the technological.
DIGGING DEEPER INTO THE FUTURE ROLE OF AI! Since the latest outbreak of generative AI in general, and the launch of GPT in particular, the rather intimate group of us digitalists working with AI and ML for years has now exploded to a broad group of unforeseen people and companies talking about themselves as “experts”. In an effort to take the debate one step further we in a series of articles will not only look into the true future of AI, but its most probable role in relation to mankind. In the first article the technological perspective on AI has been examined, while in this article we will assess the humanistic perspective.
THE TRUE FUTURE ROLE OF AI. The rather intimate group of digitalist’s has exploded to a broad group of unforeseen people and companies talking about themselves as “experts”. In an effort to take the debate one step further we in a series of articles not only look into the true future of AI, but its most probable role in conjunction with mankind. In the first article the technological perspective on AI was examined, while the humanistic perspective was assessed in a second article. In this third article we will move to the long-awaited synthesis in the form of cross-fertilization in between. Buckle up!
THE COLLABORATIVE POTENTIAL FOR GENERATIVE AI. In a series of articles we have been looking into the future of AI and its most probable role in conjunction with mankind. In the first article the technological perspective on AI was examined, while the humanistic perspective was assessed in a second one. In the third article this was molded into a synthesis in the form of cross-fertilization in between. In this fourth and last article we are complementing the theoretical synthesis with an empirical test using generative AI, ending with conclusions and reflections towards the future. Buckle up.
Article published in Corporate Investment Times (some million of readers, pages 21-23), on "the race between races", between AI (artificial intelligence) and OI (organic intelligence). Here we explore the solution to what may eventually be the most critical question for mankind ever - "if we humans can be smart enough to control machines that are smarter than ourselves?". Pls enjoy. Then Reflect. React. And enact! This is decades away, this is happening as we speak.
A NOTE FROM THE DIGITAL FRONTIER! In this article we explore the latest in IoT and mobility, focusing on sustainable mobility's growth. Insights from the DataRBLs participation at IoT Talks 2023 highlight the impact of digitization on society. We'll examine both the broad effects of digital technology and the self-disruption of a former petrol company into a Scandinavian leader in sustainable mobility. This dual view offers a unique perspective on future mobility trends. Join us in this exciting exploration and conversation about what's next in this dynamic field ;)
Do you look further than 1 week ahead? If you do, you should watch this podcast. Recorded after key note speech at the big AI-event in Oslo, Rufus is asked about the future of AI, the future of mankind v/s AI, and other deadly decisive questions regarding the future for you as an employee, manager, investor, politician or, simply as a human being (obs. if you think you already know "everything" about AI, be patient - after 5 minutes the more forward-looking, contrarian perspectives evolves :D)
The leading digital strategist for more than 100 companies including global brands like Samsung, Mercedes and IKEA, Rufus Lidman became one of the speakers at the European Blockchain Investment Congress in Vienna (EBIC-2019). The CEO and Founder of AIAR has delivered a speech "Blockchain strategies doing well for investors and doing good for society – Two things not fitting together?"
In this interview we explore the latest in IoT and mobility, focusing on sustainable mobility's growth. Insights from the DataRBLs participation at IoT Talks 2023 highlight the impact of digitization on society. We'll examine both the broad effects of digital technology and the transformation of a former petrol company into a Scandinavian leader in sustainable mobility. This dual view offers a unique perspective on future mobility trends. Watch us in this exciting exploration and conversation about what's next in this dynamic field
In this fireside chat we are touching on the explosive topic on how we should help Mother Earth. That we make pragmatic decisions. That the solution is more about companies than politicians. That the solution is more about ourselves as human beings, more than about companies. We dare to claim that the forces of digital entrepreneurship and consumer power are the answer. And that we should use our weapons to "revolt" against the supremacy of both countries and companies, by being the ones who set the stage ourselves. Yes, read on and you will find out both the key to how we can actually save Mother Earth, and why the way we do it seems to be so explosive to others.
IS AI RENDERING A PLANETARY EXPLOSION? OR WILL THE EFFECT OF AI BE LIKE ANY OTHER NEW TECHNOLOGY? In this article published at Horasis Insights, we will delve into the hot topic of whether the disruption generated by AI will be any different from that of other emerging technologies in the history of mankind. The answer lies in the reason we become on top of the foodchain.
THE 4 RISKS OF AI! In an earlier article we concluded that the revolution of AI will have such dramatic technological, planetary, economic, and social consequences, as we will not even recognize this planet ever again. In this follow up we are turning to the question whether this insanely dramatic change will lead to something good or bad. Buckle up!
The pace of change within technology, especially concerning GPUs, data platforms, and AI, is not rapid—it's changing the game. Yet, surprisingly few are discussing the core of this transformation: the radical democratization of data. Today, we're witnessing the emergence of technologies like LCNC MLOps, GenAI, and zero-ETL, which are empowering everyday individuals to wield data and AI in ways that were once reserved for highly skilled engineers and scientists.
DATA DISRUPTION! This article I had published in the renowned "Towards Data Science", identifying the first embryo to a contingency model for data mesh architecture as the most fundamental of building blocks for a true data disruption. Together with MACH, composable architecture and GenAI, all leading to the final foundation for data disruption.
Taken from a chat in cyberspace, discussing an awesome digital personality program scraping everybody’s digital footprint and AI-analyzing it to find out who you are. When you comment with fear on how much the program knows about you, “the machine” reacts on the dialogue, talking to much slang, showing too many personalities and knowing too much about Fromm, Habermas and Harari for you to really feel good about it all. Buckle up ;)
Och så var det dags igen. Att faktiskt "tänka" lite igen. Att inte bara reagera på alla stimuli i världen, utan faktiskt reflektera en del. Att reflektera kring vad det digitala gör med oss människor? Lr kanske t.o.m vad det digitala gör med vår mänsklighet? Oavsett, mitt i all digital utveckling så behöver vi alla en break in the action, och fråga oss vad vi håller på med. Detta är just en sån "break".
Industrial development segues naturally into level 4.0 wherein computers, automation and autonomy work coherently, and the Internet of Things (IoT) with its massive interconnect ability is the new revolution. Is this future, post-COVID, lost? How will business evolve as we grapple with greater home-working? How will processes and management styles cope with upheaval?
Even in our well-connected complex interconnected world we have become frustrated at our inability to fully access our public services. How can the ongoing technological revolution help to foster a shared humanity? How will 5G support our many needs and how to create a better-connected future for society?
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Augmented reality was once a fun thing, but can now be a tool of management – for creative design, for security management, for futures analyses. The separation of COVID working spaces has changed attitudes to this form of augmented exploration – what will it yield? More broadly, will ‘social AR’ become a new form of exploitation, corruption and coercion - or are we painting a brighter nexgen level o human interaction?
In a world of ever greater complexity, one-size-fits-all solutions are increasingly inadequate in tackling global issues. As is a one-size-fits-all definition of philanthropy as an injection of a large lump sum for the "love of humanity". What shapes can philanthropy assume? Who can and needs to be a philanthropist?
While the processes surrounding Bitcoin and other Altcoins can be seen as speculative, the blockchain itself is nothing other than a revolution. If you haven’t gotten that yet, you haven’t gotten anything at all. Following his book on digital strategy How To Become A Digital Marketing Hero, Rufus Lidman, one of the worlds' most renowned digital strategists, is now translating all his knowledge to one of the most revolutionary fields in the world. A field in desperate need of exactly this, a digital strategy. In a series of 11 chapters, we will get an upclose view of this new mind-blowing technology, seen through the eyes of a digital strategist.
Augmented reality was “once a fun thing", but has now exploded into the worlds of metaverse. In this article we will uncover the future of a society characterized by an AR-influenced metaverse, with questions like: Will AR really mean an augmented or an aggravated reality? What opportunities and dangers will it offer? Will it mean more or less control for people, and who is really the president of this new digital realm? In this article this and other questions was answered, some of it allready happening, some of it in the near future.
In the middle of covid-19 the DataRBL attended one of the most crucial events, Horasis. The event opened by the respected UN Secretary General António Guterres, and attended by 5 Presidents, 44 ministers and hundreds of CEO:s, royalties and other mega-influential leaders from the global power elite – all gathered for the shared mission of “overcoming the profound economic, political and social disruptions caused by Covid-19”. The DataRBL was invited to the panel for one of the most dynamic themes of them all, i.e. “Implanting Industry 4.0 into The Future”. The result? The birth of the remote species.
Hungry Asian tigers are leading the way of innovation. The western world will be left behind — held back by its stiff-legged bureaucratic processes. And as innovation brings wealth, while inhibiting innovation creates poverty, if the western world doesn’t pull itself together, we’re all going down the same path. Here that path is being assessed, the root causes examined that the remedy detected
In part I of this series, we assessed the economic wonders of Emerging Asia. We questioned the simple choice between catching up v/s not with the west, and where intrigued by the third path, the "Asian way". This path was identified to be very much about digitizing Asia, and here we take this theme one step further – i.e. for the next decisive decade for both people and planet, how do we digitize the continent that is on its way to become the global centre of gravity in this century?
Vill du som modernt bolag idag digitalisera din marknadsföring och dina affärer ”på riktigt”, där du inte bara har en vettig digital strategi och internutbildning av existerande team, utan även rekryterar de verkliga stjärnor som kan täppa igen de hål du har internt? I så fall är den viktigaste insikten att resan till framgång handlar om helt annorlunda saker jämfört med traditionell ”rekrytering”. Hur det sker tar vi reda på här!
How to nurture your heart and your wallet at the same time? Listen to Rufus Lidman sharing the true reason to why he started his earlier business. Keynote speech from the most important #blockchain event of the year – Dubai International Blockchain Summit.
Lecture in Digital Analysis at Sveriges Annnsörer, held by Rufus Lidman, Fil. Lic, digital strategist at Anegy and headmaster at DMP - the MOOC of Digital Strategy
Lecture in Digital Trendspotting at Sveriges Annnsörer, held by Rufus Lidman, Fil. Lic, digital strategist at Anegy and headmaster at DMP - the MOOC of Digital Strategy.
Lecture in Digital Strategy for 60 companies at Sveriges Annnsörer, held by Rufus Lidman, Fil. Lic, digital strategist at Anegy and headmaster at DMP - the MOOC of Digital Strategy.
In this article we're reflecting on a major shift that has subtly yet profoundly influenced our society: a dramatic alteration in the balance of power. This past decade has been a period of transformation where traditional political influence has noticeably waned. In its place, a new dynamic has emerged, with corporations and citizens stepping into roles of greater significance. This shift represents a fundamental change in how power is wielded and perceived in the world, highlighting the evolving nature of influence and control in our global society.
ONE OF THE (!) IMPORTANT CHOICES IN LIFE! A friend of DataRBL sent him a brilliant clip from Brendon Burchard, the coach. And I reacted directly. Cause I don’t have that many, but what Brendon is talking about IS one of my frustrations in life. Is it also yours? And what path do you choose for transformation that frustration into social impact? It is worthwhile thinking about, cause it will mean the difference between success and failure, between happiness and sadness, impact or no impact.
What makes you a winner and what makes you a loser? Yes, some would say the same thing that makes a machine good, i.e. to what extent you are good at achieving your goals or not. If we lift ourselves a little higher, then we add the reflection of these goals, and maybe not only to do wonders for yourself, but also for others? And what about not merely looking for the consequences right now, but later? To really know what results of quarterly reports will have for the long-term competitiveness and, yes, maybe even what it will mean for how things will go for our planet and us as species?
A DataRBL friend posted a question regarding what a true entrepreneur really is. He also suggested some possible answers. Here we will dive into what the true answer really is? And are the alternatives even relevant? Let’s jump right into it, and let’s jump into it the “entrepreneurial” way 😊
People often ask what’s driving me as a DataRBL. What encourages me to work at a level that, at its lowest, makes the hard days of others seem like a walk in the park. That I won’t say..or maybe I just haven’t been diagnosed yet. But I do have something else to mention however, something itching to get off my chest. And it’s about hard work.
En av de viktigaste vägvalen en människa kan ha är om man väljer att följa reglerna oavsett om de genererar avsett resultat, om man hellre levererar resultat oavsett man måste bryta mot reglerna, lr att man kämpar för att ändra reglerna så att de leder till avsett resultat. Läs om våra tre inriktningar och betydelsen för ditt företag, ditt land och dig som människa.
In this clip we can see a condensate from the filming of RHEB 's latest aid transport to Iraqi Kurdistan. It is a first contribution to the refugee camp Khanke a few km from the ISIS front, with a truck with things mainly to the yazidi women escaping from slavery at ISIS with rape, assault and murder of men and fathers.
The presentation of how it is possible to make the world a better place, by providing education to all those in dire need. Join the journey on how to create the first global digital ecosystem of learning, with social gamification for engagement, AI for customized learning and blockchain secured certification.
People whine to much. And people whine when they see that someone, who they perceive is doing something good, also lives well. Sometimes it's understandable why that may be provocative. Either you’re an angel of altruism, leading an ascetic existence of minimal creature comforts, suffering alongside those who suffer – or you’re a selfish pig who maximizes your profits, only caring about yourself and feeling damn good in your capitalist abundance of riches. But any other role in between is frowned upon or summarily discredited as a work of fiction. Period. At least that’s the commonly held perception. Let's now take a look at how this world really get to be changed. For the greater good of both people and the planet.
In this articel we are deepdiving into the reinvention of philanthropy in general, and with the actualization of the subject by the horror generated by Putin invasion of Ukraine in particular. The question is WHAT help is needed, WHO should do it and HOW it is done in the best way. And if we for now exclude military action and focus on the humanitarian side, it's about two things. Both of these issues are adressed here, where we debate the process of moving the topic of "philanthropy" from a small elite of benevolent "donors" to an ever increasing collective with billions of enablers. Secondly, that digital mobilization of this broad mass of philanthropic enablers is the tool needed to succeed. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
The World Economic Forum in Davos kicked off the world's largest event for the global economic elite. And it began somewhat schizophrenic. On the one hand, the IMF states that global growth has increased since 2016 and that it will increase both this year and next year. On the other hand, Oxfam reports that it is a bit strange that 80% of the entire world's wealth goes to the richest 1% in the world, and that the poorest half have had zero increase in assets. In this article it is argued that it is even more strange to keep shouting for yesterday's solutions (=fixed mindset) , when we have the solutions for the future right in front of us.-.a private commitment with a more forward-looking technical solution of a more dynamic "wealth" (=growth mindset).
Under en längre har vi fått se hur akutmot-tagningar på småsjukhus läggs ner och slås samman i en allt ökad centralisering av vården. Motståndsgrupperna menar att det är oacceptabelt att små välfungerande sjukhus hotas av nedläggning/fusion, när det istället är mer pengar som krävs i och med ökat vårdtryck från befolkningsutvecklingen. I artikeln argumenteras för att båda ståndpunkterna utgår från en förlegad modell för att bedriva sjukvårdsverksamhet, och hur utnyttjande av telemedicinsk teknik stakar ut en tredje väg.
På två veckor lyckas Facebook-gruppen RHEB fylla flera lastbilar med lådor till flyktingar vid Europas gränser. "Det är helt klart så att vi mår bättre av att hjälpa", säger grundaren Rufus Lidman. Sju symaskiner behövs till kvinnor som flytt slaveri hos IS! Efterlysningen postas i Facebook-gruppen Flyktinghjälp vid gränsen, RHEB. Två veckor senare står 34 symaskiner redo för transport till det yezidiska flyktinglägret i norra Irak. Läs om hela resan här, och varför digital entreprenörskraft är svaret även när det handlar om att göra gott
THIS IS DYNAMITE!! Yes, it seems to be, the first article I had rejected by all media in more than a decade. It's about something as endearing as how we should use new tech innovation and data to save our planet. And it is unscrupulously cleansed of emotional and idealistic perspectives, emphasizing a scientific and pragmatic approach based on data. Read on and you will find out both the key to how we can actually save Mother Earth, and why the way we do it seems to be so explosive to others. Bon Appetit ;)
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The head resource behind is Rufus Lidman (Fil. Lic.) boasting a distinguished career in digital disruption and data innovation, having contributed to the success of over 100 companies. His expertise has led to the successful launch of half a dozen ventures, cofounding at least as many and achieving 2-3 ok exits. As a two-time award winner in growth, Lidman is behind national leading sites with million visitors, and global leading apps with over 15 million downloads. He is the founder of IAB and has served several years as a digital advisor for WFA, representing 90% of the worlds' media investments. Recognized as a top tech influencer, Lidman has 50,000 followers, sharing his insights across 300 lectures and authoring 4 books - as well as creating the world's largest learning app in digital strategy, loved by 200,000 users across 165 countries. As foundation Lidman has degrees in business and applied statistics, complemented with PhD studies and data science.
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